Custom Paper Fan with Bamboo Hand

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $2.22 each
200 $1.80 each
500 $1.44 each
1000 $1.18 each
1500 $1.17 each
2000 $1.15 each
3000 $1.08 each
4000 $1.01 each
5000 $0.82 each
6000 $0.81 each
Add a touch of Asian flair to your next activity or event with these stylish folding hand fans. With a genuine bamboo wood frame and ribs and a paper covering, these 8.27" x 15" fans have a classic half-circle design that folds into an easily carried rectangle. Use them to cool down a hot indoor or outdoor event, hang them on a wall for decoration or create a table centerpiece. Available in assorted colors -- add your organizational or company logo or message to customize. Orders of 5,000 orders or more are eligible for sea shipping. Rush service is available.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
15" x 8.27" bamboo wood and paper Asian style folding fan.